Monday, March 4, 2013

Medium Specificity

Jackson Pollock, "Number 6"

What might Pollock be up to? According to this experiment, how might he define 'painting'?

Andy Warhol, "Eight Elvises"

What might Warhol be up to? According to this experiment, how might he define 'printing'?

Now, regarding medium specificity in music--John Cage's "4'33."

What might Cage be up to? According to this experiment, how might he define 'music'?

As a reminder, here is the assignment description from the syllabus:
Each student will choose an artistic medium (film, photography, drawing, painting, medium, dance, performance, graphic design, poetry, literary narrative, etc.) and produce a work which explores the specific elements unique to that medium--like Brakhage or Daren’s films, Pollock’s paintings, Warhol’s prints, Cage’s music, etc. Students are encouraged to consider how their particular work functions as a celebration, commentary or critique of their chosen medium.
For Thursday, come with 3 media which you might choose to explore in the assignment. We will brainstorm medium specific elements of each media in small groups, and then you can choose what medium to explore, what elements to emphasize and how to make this experiment into an artistic work.

I will evaluate your work with the following in mind:
  • Did you choose a medium, identify a fundamental element of that medium, and produce a creative work that both conceptually and artistically engages with that element of the medium?
  • Did you provide an artist's statement that explains (1) your decision to explore a certain element of the medium and (2) how your piece creatively engages in that exploration? 
  • Did you consider (as mentioned in the assignment description) how your project functions to celebrate, comment on or critique the chosen medium.

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