Thursday, March 28, 2013

Thoughts on the Concerned Citizen

Here are a few admittedly scattered thoughts related to your Concerned Citizen project due Tuesday:
  • Remember 1-3 minutes is your time requirement. 
  • Post the video/audio doc on your blog with an accompanying artist's statement that (1) addresses your creative process--how and why did you choose to make this thing in the ways that you did, (2) correlates your piece with concepts from class discussion, the reading (Goldbard's article) and media from outside of class.
  • A common mistake on this assignment is to overemphasize institutions rather than individuals. Remember that this is not a promotional video for a non-profit or whatever. It is to address an individual's involvement in their community. It should tell a story--one that will probably describe the person's engagement in their community, depict their relationships with others, and give us insight into the personal experiences and motivation behind this engagement.
 And for those of you who enjoyed And A New Earth film we viewed in class, here is a link to HitRECord. The film is on the main page under 'Videos' (along with some other interesting things they've made together).

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